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Image by Ishan @seefromthesky

Why The Bahamas?

The best kept secret of The Bahamas is the country’s sheer size and diversity. With 16 major islands, The Bahamas is an unmatched destination, a heart-pounding adventure across 100,000 square miles of the world’s clearest ocean.

Permanent Residency

The Bahamas is recognized as one of the world’s premier island-hopping destinations. Cruising along the 700 islands and more than 2,000 cays that make up The Bahamas is the best way to discover the picturesque beaches, excellent sport fishing, and world-class snorkelling reefs and dive sites this sun-drenched archipelago

is known for. Visitors and residences are within easy reach of the 700 islands and unforgettable treasure The Bahamas offers.


For individuals in the international community seeking permanent residency in The Bahamas for asset and wealth management or lifestyle, a real estate investment is an excellent consideration and legal avenue to achieving this status.



As one of the world’s premiere off-shore financial, banking, and tax-free jurisdictions, there are only a few things on which you pay taxes in The Bahamas. Capital gains, corporate earnings, personal income, inheritance and dividends are all tax-free. This applies not only to individuals, but also to all resident corporations, partnerships, and trusts. Tax advan- tages do not require that Bahamian residents remain in The Bahamas for any specific length of time in a given year.



The Bahamas prides itself as a sophisticated, international financial centre with over two hundred and fifty banks and trust companies licenced to do business within and from The Bahamas. Several different countries are represented within the Bahamas including the United Kingdom, Switzerland, France, the United States, Canada, Japan and Brazil.



The Bahamian Government considers that high net-worth individuals provide direct and in-direct benefits to the Bahamian economy through employment, purchase of goods and services as well as banking and investment needs. As such, accelerated consideration for permanent residency is granted for those purchasing real estate valued above $1,500,000.00.

Image by Forest Simon
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